I left my comfy job as an ICU nurse in America to spend 6 months in South Africa working as a volunteer nurse in a longterm HIV/AIDS care center. I have no idea what God has planned for me but this is me sharing my stories and adventures along the way.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


When I first became a Christian I didn't share it with anyone and I kept it to myself.  Before I knew it I was back to my old life again and God was put off out of mind.  Two years ago I gave my life back to God.  I always think that's funny to say because I have life because of Him.  Who am I to be so kind to give it back to Him.  But you get the point.
This time I was again shy about sharing it and worried what everyone would think.  Sounds ridiculous now.  I am sharing this because recently one of my patients "Bob" came to us because of cancer that was rotting through the floor of his mouth.  We all knew his prognosis was poor but expected him to be able to live a while longer and be able to go home at some point.  Bob had been talked to about his beliefs and we found how he didn't know Jesus.  He said he believed in a "higher power" but not in Jesus.  We thought he had time to find out the truth.  Bob died Sunday.  My heart broke.  I didn't do my part in helping him find the Lord.  I will live with that forever. 
So in sharing that with you all I want to say this loud and clear for all to hear.  There is a higher power and His name is Jesus Christ.  He is my saviour and He rules my life.  I have accepted Him and He has promised me salvation, an eternal life in Heaven with Him one day.  Without Jesus there is eternal life but in eternal pain and darkness in Hell.  I want to share this with anyone listening so that there may be a chance for you as well .  I don't want anymore "Bob's" out there to slip away because I didn't stand  up and tell the "Good News" of Jesus.
Those of you who knew me when know what a crazy messed up person I was.  I drank all I wanted whenever I wanted.  I had relations with men whenever I chose to and without apology.  My life got so crazy I even found myself spending a night in jail.  I knew about Jesus then but I wasn't ready to change my life.  I was too busy being "cool".  Well how cool is it in jail, worried about losing your nursing license which is your livelihood , not knowing what you did the night before and wondering why people are mad at you, waking up the next day wondering who this person is beside you.  Wondering most of all what would happen to me if I died in my sleep.  Where would I spend my eternity.  I knew the answer to that.  Finally through the prayers of my sister who is a believer I went to church with her one night and realized this life wasn't working for me.  I remember saying "okay Lord you win, I can't do this anymore". 
I know that's a bit personal to share but if it helps just one of you then it's worth it.  I built this testimony so I have to share it.  Life doesn't become perfect the second you become a Christian and neither do you.  It still takes work but it's truly the best job I've ever had.  And it comes with instructions: that big book that says "Holy Bible". 
This holiday season take a moment to think about why we really celebrate Christmas.  Can you imagine having a son that you loved so much and knew he would die for a world of people most of whom were full of sin and badness?  Could you let your son die for people like this?  "For God so loved the world, he gave his one and only son (John 3:16).  Jesus knew of me.  He knew what bad things I would do and could be capable of doing but He still loved me anyway and died for me.  And for you as well.  He is not far from you.  He's standing right beside of you just waiting for you to accept Him and to ask him to be the saviour over your life. I pray for all of you who don't know the Lord.  I pray that you will let him into your life.  My life is changed in ways I can't do justice to in describing.  The thing I feel most of all is peace.  I can close my eyes at night and know if God grants me another day on Earth then that's great.  But should I not wake up again on this side I will awaken in Paradise.

So that's my gift to all.  I am declaring to all who read this that yes I am a big fat Christian, a Jesus Freak if you will.  I'm proud to say it out loud and am sorry I wasn't before.  I ask that God may continue to bless you all and hope that you find your peace. Have a very Merry Christmas and an amazing new year to come.
Blessings and love from South Africa,
P.s: all it takes is a simple prayer to receive Christ.  It goes like this: Lord I give you my sins and I ask you to become Lord and Saviour of my life.  I believed you died for me.  Please be with me and guide my life. 
It's that easy!  Then find yourself a good Bible based church and follow His word.   I'll be praying for you

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